Every time I go to the refrigerator this afternoon, I can't help think about the people I met this morning. Behind large metal gates that line the streets of La Esperanza, there is a world I barely knew existed. People—hundreds of people—from young families to little old men are crowded into one-room "apartments" tucked into alleyways and spaces between shops. Many have dirt floors and no running water. They are tough living conditions under normal circumstances. But like many of you, they've been quarantined for nearly a month now. In these communities, social distancing is impossible. They can't work and have no money. And even if they did have a little, the stores and markets are closed most days. Supplies are running low.
We've joined forces with other missionaries in our region to help those in need weather the COVID-19 lockdown in Honduras. Working alongside city government relief workers, we're providing food and supplies to those can't afford or don't have access to them. Yesterday, we were able to pack bags of groceries and supplies donated by our small group of missionaries at the city's emergency headquarters. This morning, we were invited along to observe their operations on the ground as they delivered the resources to those who need it most.

The anxiety in our community is growing. Although we had military escorts, there were not enough for each delivery vehicle. One of our missionary trucks was mobbed in the street and had to abandon their mission to escape. It was a scary moment for the team. We are grateful that no one was hurt and are taking security precautions to make sure it never happens again. We cannot fathom the desperation and fear in the hearts of so many of our neighbors. They are hungry and scared. And this is what I think about every time I open my fully-stocked kitchen cabinet today.

We were allowed to put a note in each of the bags we delivered today. It says:
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. - Deuteronomy 31:8
You are important. Jesus died and was resurrected for you. You are not alone. God knows and is concerned about every aspect of your discomfort. He loves you and is working all things for your good.
If you would like to be a part of our emergency relief effort in La Esperanza, Honduras, please click here!