About Us
Hi! We're Steve and Kelly Solheim and we lead a team of passionate Christ-followers. Made up of prayer warriors, church partners and supporters from all over the world, Team Solheim is a powerful force. And together we are discipling a new generation of leaders to shape the nation of Honduras for the glory of God.
You might say our family is a little competitive. As long as our son, Nick, can remember we've been sharing our meals, settling our differences and connecting with one another over a hand of Uno or a game of Ticket to Ride. But while we were earning bragging rights with a hard-fought Settlers of Catan victory, we never dreamed that God was preparing our family for a powerful ministry in a country far from home.
The Lord took our love for board games and gave us a unique way to build relationships with young people. Now when we play checkers, we're encouraging a young man to stay in school. When we play Jenga, we're teaching a youth leader to listen to a teenager in crisis. And when we play Yahtzee, we're helping a family come together after a tragedy.
Serving with World Gospel Mission in La Esperanza, Honduras, we're working with churches, Christian leaders and young people to change the way we think about relationship, creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership and resource management―a biblical worldview that will transform hearts and communities for the Kingdom of God.

Faves: Mastermind,
Carcasonne, Quarto
Hobbies: Tech, woodworking,
biking and Facebook debates
Although he claims he's not a robot or a Vulcan, Steve's methodical and logical thinking means there's no safe place for your destroyer on that Battleship board.
Hobbies: Design, knitting,
needlework and talking
Faves: Apples to Apples,
Settlers of Catan,